Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Is my Yorkie too small/short?

Is my Yorkie too small/short?

18 13:34:34

I have a 5 lb. female Yorkie that's 3 1/2 and a 3 lb. male Yorkie that's 2 1/2. They are not related. I've been trying to breed them for over a year with no success and have tried many things including separating them, putting them in a small area, holding her, etc. My male tries to breed with the female every time she goes into heat but she growls and nips at him and won't let him near her. I've tried holding her, and you can tell he ALMOST accomplishes the job, but for some reason he just can't get it in. I know he can DO the job because I've bred him with a friends dog resulting in two little females. My friends dog is a bit shorter than mine. Could my males legs just be too small/short to get the job done? Is there a reason my female won't let him near her? Does she know something I don't?

Hi Lynn. Some females refuse to be bred, even when they're in the right part of their cycle. You may want to try with a different male, and see what happens. For whatever reason, some girls don't like the mates that we pick out for them. I would also suggest taking her to the vet for a check up to see if something else is going on with her, causing her to act like that. If your girl is more dominant over the male, then that may be your problem. A different male may fix her problem. You also want to have her vagina checked out to make sure she doesn't have any strictures. This would cause it to be difficult for the male to penetrate her. Anytime the female is bigger than the male, you can try to put the male in a thick book covered by a towel. You can also try breeding them on a slight slope, with the male on the higher end. This will make it easier for him to reach her. Good luck!