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Brownish Gooey Discharge

18 13:42:01

Hi, I read your question about this type of brownish, gooey discharge on a pregnant bitch. I have a little bulldog who should be about 35 days pregnant, just like your boxer and noticed some discharge this week. It's not white like pus, it does not smell. I have not seen this on a pregnant dog. Did you ever find out what it was on your dog? Was she pregant or was it an open pyometra as someone else suggested. I had not thought of pyometra, now I am worried.

Hi Liz. It wasn't my dog, I was answering a question for someone about the discharge.:-) The person wrote back to me, and told me that it was pyrometra. I don't want to worry you even more, but you need to take her to the vet to at least rule out pyrometra or another type of infection, just to be on the safe side. The best kind of pyrometra (if there are any) is the open type. That's when you'll see the discharge. Vets can now save the uterus for a valuable breeding bitch. The only thing is, the dog may be more suseptible to getting it again, and the treatment for it may be a tad bit expensive. Again, I'm not saying that your dog definitely has this. I'm saying that any colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy needs to be checked out. If it's not pyrometra, then it may be a different type of infection, and with antibiotics, it may be cleared up with no problems to mom or pups. Please let me know how this turns out.:-)