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what to do now?

18 13:40:38

my patterdale terrier is 3 years old and got tied last week with anouther patterdale so may be pregnant so i need advice on what to do now? how do i prepare for the pregnancy-do i need to make any changers in exercise,eating and then what to do for everthing?birth etc?

Hi Ginny! Right now, there's not a whole lot that you do. Don't change her diet yet, and definitely don't put her on a puppy food. Let her continue to exercise, just keep jumping to a minimum. When she's further in, up the amount of her food, she'll let you know when she needs more. When she gets really big, you'll need to feed more times a day, just in smaller amounts, as her uterus is crowding her stomach. The smaller, but more frequent, meals will be easier on her. When she's 50 days into her pregnancy, you can have an x-ray done to see if she is pregnant, and about how many there are. If you ever see a colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy, get her to the vet. Keep her active during her pregnancy, you don't want her to get fat. Mom getting fat equals fat puppies, making whelping very hard if not impossible. I'm going to give you an excellant web site that shows you exactly what to expect, pictures and all. Have a look at it, and let me know if I can help with anything else.   use the index on the left side of the page.