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mother and daughter boxers

18 13:41:16

ok I have a question for you.  I have always had single boxers, well 3 and a half years ago we bred our girl (after all the testing) to a very nice champion male (also with all the testing) and got 10 gorgeous puppies, we kept one.  I did show her and she got her championship. we decided to breed her...long story short, she is 5 weeks pregnant.
My concern is if there is going to be a problem with her dam when she whelps, the two of them are very close, and her dam is very motherly for lack of a better word, she still mothers her daughter, should I be worried?

Hi Jan. Most new moms tend to not want other dogs near their puppies, even if they're normally very close to the other dog. It's really hard to say how mom to be will react to her mom. Just watch them closely. If the new mom acts uncomfortable or nervous with granny around, keep granny away from the pups. It's really hard to say for sure how the dog will react. The only thing you can do is to watch how she acts with granny around. Any signs of discomfort, keep them all seperated. Good luck!