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behavior after whelping

18 11:55:58

my dog had three puppies yesterday morning. last one came at 1045am. the first puppy was breach and i had to pull him out. the puppies are fine but my dam is panting prety heavily she doesnt have a fever and ate a few hours ago. has been going outside to use the bathroom. but she is also leaving the whelping box every now and then but sitting right next to it on a blanket. she was drinking a lot earlier but hasnt been in the last few hours. i called the emergency pet hospital and they said she is probably just hot but i turned off the heating lamp and she feels cooled down but still panting. she is also whining here and there. now she is leaning up against the side of the wheping box. inside with the pups drooling but not anynmore than terrefied something is wrong. she is going to the vet at 9am. as soon as they open this morning but should i take her to a hospital?


Birth can be quite uncomfortable to a bitch just as it can to a women. I am sure that you have taken her to the vet by this time but as long as she is eating, her puppies are nursing and she is able to clean them properly and is not bleeding she should be ok. Drooling and whining is not uncommon after birth. If this is her first litter she may not be completely sure as to what she needs to do. Good luck with your puppies and I hope that she is doing ok and the puppies are healthy!