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stalled whelping?

18 13:48:26

My 2 y/o american bulldog is at day 64 from mating. 36 hrs ago she had a restless night with "nesting" behavior and a scant mucoid dark, almost black, discharge. She stopped eating and started to pant at the whelping box. In the last 8 hours the discharge stopped, she stopped the panting, she is running around and wanting to fetch her ball as usual and has eaten a little bit. This is her first pregnancy. Is this normal? Should I worry?

Hi Niurka,

The only problem I have with counting days is that if your not sure she was ovulating at the time of breeding did she take the first day, second day or a week after.

AB's are pretty tough dogs and can free whelp without issue.  You want to keep her hydrated and offer her a bowl or two of vanilla ice cream.  The calcium will help with the contractions.  

As long as she isn't showing signs of distress, things are progressing right on schedule.