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Mastiff pregnancy

18 13:30:01

This is my english mastiff's first litter.  She is 5yrs old. How many puppies should I expect.  I have heard so many different things, that I really have no idea. Also, shoukd I be around to help? I have heard they have a hard time because the pups are so big.

Hi. It really is hard to say how many to expect. She may have a smaller litter, I have known Mastiffs that have had 16. After she hits day 50 of her pregnancy, take her in for an x-ray so you'll know about how many to expect and if there are any really big ones that may cause trouble. I really can't say for sure how many to expect. With this breed, it's so hard to even estimate as some girls throw huge litters, some small. How many did her mom have?

Definitely, someone has to be there for her. Especially because of her age and this being her first time being bred, she may run into trouble. When she first starts labor, put a call in to your vet just in case she needs a c-section, he'll be ready. After the pups are whelped, someone will need to be with mom and pups 24/7. This breed is known to accidentally step on, or lay on the pups. Someone will have to with them at all times to make sure this doesn't happen. If I can help with anything else, please let me know.