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Papillion Postpartum Question.

18 13:30:01

QUESTION: My pap delivered 3 pups almost 3 days ago.  So far she is a wonderful mother, but today I noticed an odd behavior.
She will keep the pups together and get them calm and ask out of the whelping pen as if she wants to go out.  When I let her out she goes and hides under the bed (like she wants a break..maybe she does!) My question is #1. is this normal? (She goes right back to the pups if they start to fuss) #2. How long is she ok to be away from them before I need to worry.

ANSWER: Hi Tracy.  Congratulations on your new litter of 3 puppies.  I'm happy to read that they and their mommy are healthy.  Under normal conditions, puppies only cry for two reasons #1 The are cold, #2 They are hungry. So, it is perfectly ok for mommy to be away for short periods of time, if the puppies are sleeping, warm and not crying.  

Now, for the crawling under the bed.  Where is the location of the whelping box or area that the mother and puppies are staying?  Is it in a high traffic area?  Are other pets allowed in that area?  

I suggest that your new mother and puppies be kept in a secluded place - away from high traffic areas, other pets, and away from drafts where the mother can tend to her new puppies in peace. If there too much action, or too much outside help, the mother can become stressed.  Stress can cause the mother to hide, loose her milk, and in the most extreme case, reject her puppies.  It is very tempting to want to show off the puppies, but it is best not to allow friends, neighbors, and or lots of family members to visit during the first 3 weeks.

Good luck and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.

Penny DiLoreto

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: They are located in my bedroom in a HUGE whelping cage.  I have the whole heat/draft under control.  She only seems to want to rest from them for a bit (as soon as she hears them she rushes back).  There is no real traffic in my room.  She seems to be adjusting well, I just wanted to know basically is what is too long for her to go away?

Hi Tracy.  Wow, you have everything under control and have done a great job of providing a safe and healthy pleace for your new mommy and her puppies.  

Yes, I agree with you.  Your mommy just needs a little ME time away from her new family.  

Penny DiLoreto