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Breeding my Doberman

18 13:26:54

Hi. I have a 7 year old Doberman female and I was wondering if it's too late to breed her? She is in good health and isn't overweight. My vet has done bloodwork on her just to check to make sure everything is ok and it checked out just fine. I'm just trying to see if this is a good idea? I'm not a breeding and this would be her only litter.

Hi Amanda

The thing is if you breed once or a dozen times, you're a breeder.  So that established you want to be a responsible one.

Do you have homes for the pups?  Do you have a stud in mind?  Do you have a stud contract?

At 7 you have to be aware that there is the possibility of complications. The survival of the pups -- my experience has been older dogs tend to have a higher rate of faders (puppies that expire for no apparent reason).

Good luck