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cocker spaniel bitch

18 11:55:17

i have a cocker spaniel she has just turned 2 she had her first heat at 1 year but has not had one since i want to breed with her and as i will be keeping all the puppies myself don't wish to have her spayed can you tell me why she hasn't had another heat she has not been near any other dogs

Hi Teresa

There could be a number of reasons why she hasn't come into heat.

Is she mainly an inside dog?   Dogs season can be triggered by the weather.  If it's been cold and rainy and she's indoor 24/7 she will take longer to come into season.  If she's outside for periods of time enjoying the sunshine, dogs tend to come in sooner.

If her thyroid is out of whack, that will cause her not to come into heat.

Her diet and the amount of excerice also contribute to the physical health of the dog.    

Good luck