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Restless now quiet

18 13:44:05

First time pregnant Border Collie- incredibly fit and healthy.  Acting normal and active.  However last night from about 5PM-10PM was very restless, panting, and needy off and on.  (restless for about an hour, then settle)  No contractions, no pushing, no signs of labor.  Then nothing, she went to sleep and slept all night.  Is perfectly normal this morning- played and now resting.  She's been in her whelping box for almost 2 weeks.  Was last night just a nesting episode?  She's right in the 60-65 day range from the first breeding.

It sounds like she's just trying to gear up for actual labor. If she's doing fine right now, and there's no colored discharge, then I wouldn't worry too much. First time moms will drive you nuts. When she looses her mucus plug, then she should go into labor within 24-48 hours. Good luck!