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Pregnant Siberian Husky

18 13:27:13

Hiya My Siberian Husky is 65 days pregnant shes very quiet
and today has started to refuse food, she doesnt even want
to go out really unless necessary shes spending all her time
in the area we have provided her to give birth in. Is this
normal for her and when shud i expect her to be giving
birth? Also shes hot today her belly is bright pink i dont
know what to do is this normal for a dog to go beyond day

Hi. It's very normal. Just because she was bred on a certain day doesn't mean she actually became pregnant on that day. Many dogs go past the 63 mark. If she goes much longer though, i would take her to the vet. It sounds like she's getting ready for labor. If nothing happens in a day or so, or she acts off, or has a colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy, get her to the vet. Good luck.