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My Sibe is 63 days pregnant

18 13:41:06

QUESTION: Hi, My Siberian Husky is 63 days pregnant today, Im aware this is the average time for dogs to go into labour but she is still showing no signs. Ie, still eating plenty, full of energy etc.
Is it safe to assume she "caught" on the second (day 3) or third mating (day 6), or should I contact the vet?
How likely is it for complications to occur if she goes too far over?

ANSWER: I wouldn't worry as long as she is not in distress. Is it sixty three days from her first breeding or her last? I know the waiting is hard, but check her temp twice a day and hang in there. We just had a mare foal two weeks late. It'll drive you nuts the waiting :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, she actually went into labour the next morning and had 8 wonderful pups! all are thriving!

Congratulations! Isn't it funny how we humans manage to worry and stress so much about things while mom is actually plotting behind our backs to stretch all that special treatment out for as LONG as possible LOL
Good luck with yhour new babies