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Great dane puppies

18 13:42:15

Can dogs have their puppies premature just like a human?
My great dane just had 14 puppies but only survive 6 becuase she accidently killed 3 and four were born dead. She was in labor from 5am till 9pm. is that why the puppies were born dead?

There are lots of reasons that puppies can be born dead. They can be premature, you can tell whether they are fully developed by looking at them. Were they puppies actually born dead or did they die during the birth process? If the mother did not take care of the pups while she was whelping. i.e. removing the sacs quickly from around the babies, licking them to stimulate their circulation etc then they died in the birthing process. Often with a large litter humans have to help the mother's clear the mucous and fluids from the babies nose so that they can breath, and rub them to stimulate their blood flow. They have to be kept warm as well. Once a pup is chilled it's very difficult to revive them, and a chilled pup cannot digest food. That was a long labor but not unheard of for that many puppies. If they stayed in the birth canal too long they also could've suffocated. If she wasn't dewormed regularly or fed a quality dog food during pregnancy, they could've been too weak to survive. If she hasn't been tested for brucellosis that is another common reason for pups to die, if that sire wasn't tested he could've transmitted it to her during breeding. If she has herpes that is another reason and not something you would know without testing. If she had a vaginal or uterine infection. There is a lot involved in prenatal care and testing of a bitch prior to pregnancy and during pregnancy to insure a health litter. Just as there is a lot involved to helping a bitch through the whelping process for the same reasons.  Having a proper whelping area is only the beginning of insuring the litter's safety during whelping and after. Danes as big dogs need whelping boxes with rails to allow them to lie down without lying on the puppies and still being able to nurse them. She also needs a good diet of quality premium puppy food to make sure she has enough milk for the babies and is strong enough to raise them. If she's a young mother and inexperienced they often need help during whelping and raising their first litter. I would never allow one of my dogs to whelp alone.
Good luck with your babies and do feel free to come back anytime you have a question