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introducing dogs to mate.

18 11:56:14

I would like to mate my female golden I have carefully chosen a mate for her. We have taken all steps to assure that we will breed sound quality pups. I took my female to meet with the male and he seemed to not like her. When he first saw her he went after her growling etc. never hurt her. We then kept them together on leash of course and the male seemed ok he didn't pay much attention to her she did try and play a few times but he didn't respond. They both at times growled at each other and when we were about ready to go home he was growling and barking again almost as if he wanted to fight with her but never did. I have never experienced this before is this normal? We actually went to the males house and I was thinking maybe next time we should maybe take them for a walk together and see how that goes on mutual grounds.

Hi Lisa

How far along in her season is your female?

Is the male experienced?
Neutral territory is the best for an introduction.  Or if the male is aggressive, then the females turf should be fine.

Some dogs just don't like each other and the alternative is doing a A.I.

Good luck