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When will he know how to mate?

18 13:49:06

My female dog is in heat and my male dog tries but then stops over and over to the point of exhaustion or her becoming annoyed. It's as if he doesn't know how to complete the task if you catch my drift. Will they ever be able to mate? They are both full bred rat terriers and have been around each other for most of their time with me. My father has the sister of my female and the brother of my male, and his female is 3 weeks pregnant. I don't understand-any advice PLEASE HELP!

Hi Rebecca --

Where in her heat is she?  Early, middle, late?  

How old is the male and is he a experienced breeder?  If he is too young (immature) he may not quite have the hang of things. Each dog matures differently. So as your father's dog may be ready to breed, yours may not.

How long are you leaving them together?  To the point of frustration and exhaustion is never a good idea.  You can put them together for a say 25 minutes, then separate them.

Finally, you may have to assist him.  When he mounts the female you may have to "guide" him in and hold him until a tye takes place.

Good luck.