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Is my min pin pregnant?

18 11:55:07

Hi I have a min pin named ruby. She is 9lbs. She was born beginning of Feb. So I believe she is 7months old. I know she is very young and you are not supposed to breed until they are about 2 1/2, but I didn't know she was in heat and I'm not sure if this is even her first time. I didn't know what to look for and I didn't pay to much attention because I don't have a male dog and I thought they didn't go into heat until they were at least a year old. This is my first time dealing with this. Anyways my friend has had her male 1 1/2 year old pug over at my house a few times. Now ruby is acting different. She has more of an appetite but doesn't like to play as much. Her nipples have enlarged and she has bumps now under her nipples like the beginning of Boobs, sorry I don't know all the terms. Also She doesn't like being outside anymore and she digs at her bed. She just lays around and cuddles up to you when your around to have you rub her tummy. I hope you can help answer my question.

Patiently waiting

Hi Nikita

When the male was over you didn't notice them tied or did you just leave them together without supervision?

Ruby could be in a false pregnancy where she has all the signs without the end result but I would take her to the vet for x-rays just to be sure. The concern would be if the Pug is substantially larger than your female and if the male has large dogs in his pedigree.   If that is the case your female would be for a world of trouble trying to whelp the pups naturally, so you would want to discuss the options with your vet.

Good luck