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pittbull mating

18 13:41:56

hello my name is Fransisco  
i have a  blue female pitbull
i am planing to breed her in a couple of years
but the male im planing to use with her is her half brother
meaning they have the same dad but different moms
would there be anything serious to worry about???

Yes, line and inbreeding in dogs is a very complicated issue and one best saved for professionals. Any genetic issues in at least the last five generations of the shared pedigree will be doubled and intensified, including health and temperament problems.  So if you have a genetic predisposition  for say, a skin disorder common to Pits, ANYWHERE in the shared background of the dogs the chances of you getting that problem in your puppies is almost one hundred percent.
As with any breed, make sure that you have temperament testing done on your bitch as well as health testing for any genetic issue that might be underlying without your knowledge (and there could be many) that would be passed on to pups , prior to breeding your bitch to ANY male.
Good luck