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mixed breed dog

18 13:27:51

Hello, I have a 9 month old mixed breed male pup. His name is Eddy. He is likely mixed with a pit bull, boxer, and Jack Russel terrier, I know quite the mix! He is very friendly and SUPER smart. However, I cannot think of fun and exciting ways to run off his energy. I read that your bred boxers so I am sure you know how energetic a dog can be. He is running, playing, and active 24/7. I take him for a nice long 45 minutes walk and he wants to play when we get home. I try to get him to play with a tennis ball and he loves it sometimes but he seems to be getting bored with it now. Any ideas from your experience of good activites to get his energy out? I can tell his hyperactivity turns in to random behavioral problems so I want to get ahead of it before it continues and he develops solid behavioral issues. Thanks for any help with my active Eddy.

Hi. Your pup sounds like an interesting guy. The thing is, all three breeds that he is mixed with can be pretty hyper. The best advice here would be to try to find an obedience class. This will help train both of you, and keep your pup focused. Who knows, he may be good at it, leading you and him to agility, or other dog sports. You can also try to find other dog friends for him to play with, dogs usually wear each other out best. You can also try longer walks, maybe twice a day. You could also see if there are any dog clubs near you. They will help open up a whole new world for you and Eddy. Good luck!