Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > female wont stand for a male but flags

female wont stand for a male but flags

18 11:56:40

I have a female that 12 day of heat and she won't let the male breed her is it too late . she flags for him and act like she is interest but won't let him mount

Hi Deb

Some females just won't be mounted.  They are either too scared or dominant.  These females should be held and soothed so they won't bite or attack the male, that means holding their heads.

Day 12 can be early for some females, so you could also do a progesterone test to let you know if she's passed ovulation or hasn't reached it yet.  

Don't give up, and give it another couple of days.  I've had a female tagged once on day 21 and produce 12 pups.   So there's always hope.

Good luck