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Breeding my Dachshund

18 13:34:00

I have a 3 y/o dachsund female. We would love for her to have puppies but we don't know the first thing about breeding her. We have a friend with a male dachshund. What do we need to do, when should we bring him and how long should he stay for? Anything we can do to help the process? She is in heat now she began to bleed about 10 to 12 days ago, is it too late this time around? Please help.

Hi Ariel

When you are breeding, you have to keep accurate dates to know when to breed.

Typically you should start introducing a male around day 9 with breeding happening between days 12 to 17.

They only need to be together for about 30 minutes.  Too long and they both will become frustrated.  Bring them together every couple of hours for the short period until a tie takes place.  And them leave them until they are done.  It's important to let the female rest and have her sit quietly in a crate for a few hours after mating.

Good luck