Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > my pregnant female is not producing milk yet

my pregnant female is not producing milk yet

18 13:48:36

My female Pomeranian is due in 1-1/2 weeks. She only has a drop of milk on one nipple. I'm afraid she will be having her pups early. I'm guessing in the next two days or so. She has all the signs. My concern is, is it possible for a female NOT to produce milk? And if not, than will she produce after the pups are born? I've done this before, but never had this problem. Thank you.

Hi Jenny -- the milk will come in after she whelps. When she goes into labor that starts things moving.  And don't be concerned if it take a few hours for her milk to come completely in. Oxytoxin will also help bring her milk down if you are concerned.

Good luck.