Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > staffidshire bull breeding

staffidshire bull breeding

18 13:26:54

Hi there was wondering if you could help or give advice my staff is 4 yrs old day 2 of season i want to breed her with friends dog, however my bitch isn't use to other dogs do you think it would be safe to try, the male is fine with other dogs also should i breed her in my home or my friends so she would be less territorial???

Hi Paula

If you are going to try a breeding, you may want to muzzle and leash her so she doesn't hurt the male.   Dominant females won't want to be mounted.

If she's only at day 2, now is a good time to introduce her to the male to get use to him and his place or on neutral territory.

On a side note, you're not doing her any favors by keeping her secluded from other dogs.  Staffy's are great dogs and well socialized ones are a joy to be around.