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Rottweiler Wont Tie

18 13:43:33

i have a 1 1/2 yr old female rottie and a 3 yr old male.  my female is in season.  My male has mounted her several times but won't tie.   he does get it in. i see semen dripping from her but just won't lock. can she still get preg?   how can i help them.  i would really like to see this happen.  thanks in advance

Hi Cecelia
What day of her heat cycle is she on? Usually you don't put them together until about the 12 or 13th day. Any earlier and you're just going to frustrate both of them. You might want to take her to the vet for a slide to see where she is in her cycle if you are unsure. If she's at or after the 12 or 13th day and he still isn't tying her, see if he will let you guide him in, then give him a little push and hold him to help facilitate the tie. She can't get pregnant without the tie.
If all else fails, your vet can AI to give you a better shot at having pups.