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yorkie in heat

18 13:40:56

I have a yorkie female who is almost 2 years old and in heat.  I first saw blood Saturday.  It is dark in color and was on her little panties.  I had been out of town with her for a couple of days and came home yesterday.  My male yorkie was going crazy when I got home.  I figured it was just the "smell of heat".  He never even acted interested in her last week so I figured she was just beginning her cycle.  I watched them this morning and she was just playing with the other dogs so I left them in the living room to go into the laundry room.  I was only out of the room for maybe three minutes and came back into the room and they were tied.  My question is ... did he prematurely mate with her?  I thought her discharge would be light before she was "ready".  I am somewhat confused because he wasn't even interested in her until yesterday.


Hi Samantha

Unless you do progesterone testing to know exactly when your female ovulates it's anyone's guess.

If she stood for your male, and your male was interested,  I'm guessing that Mother Nature was directing traffic and they knew it was time.   

As with any female, every one is different.  Some bleed heavily, some lighter, some are so clean, you won't even notice any blood.  

So, I would tick off 63 days on your calendar and start puppy watch.

Good luck.