Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > pregnant


18 13:40:56

hi my little toy poodle just had her first heat do not want her to be pregnant i didnt let her and the mail hook up however a couple times the mail got on her and made a mess my girls nipples are swollen is this normal?

Hi Beth

It's normal for a bred female.

Sounds like your female "hooked up".  The only way to GUARANTEE not to have pups is the do without method.  That means keep your male and female COMPLETELY separated for a month that means separate crates, and NO CONTACT.

A first heat is to young to be bred, your female is a pup herself.  It's time for you to become educated in everything from a female rejecting/killing her litter, c-sections and hand raising a litter.  All things you run the risk of when breeding a female young.