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Could my Italian Greyhound be pregnant?

18 11:59:33

What are the signs of an Italian Greyhound being pregnant? I have a 2 3/4 year old female Italian greyhound and also 2 male IG's and both males are fixed. My female has interacted with a male dachshund and a male rat terrier. We kept a close eye on them and she was also not in heat. For the past week or so she has been very irritable, more than usual, and she seems to sleep a lot more. Could she be pregnant or might there be an underlying problem we need to get checked?

Hi Jason

A Doxie or Rat Terrier Greyhound mix would be a sin and/or very difficult.  Unless of course, it was a conspiracy.  

All kidding aside.  The males would need some help reaching the female. It's seems to be more probable that she's experiencing a false pregnancy.  All the signs without the end result.  The hormonal changes that a heat brings can fool the body into thinking it's expecting.  

The other consideration is that if she wasn't in season, she is now going into heat, or starting it.  A female's temperament can change with the beginnings of her season.

If she has been mated, and wasn't in heat, I would say to watch her for the next few weeks to ensure that she doesn't in fact come in.  The next signs to watch for would include swelling.

Good luck