Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Too many puppies for Chihuahua to nurse?

Too many puppies for Chihuahua to nurse?

18 13:31:35

I had a litter of 5 chihuahua puppies 3 surviving birth. They were born 12/19. I had a Litter of 3 Pomeranians on 12/21. The Mother of the Poms is not producing milk even after a shot from vet and rejects her babies. I have the babies all in with my Chihuahua Mom. Is this too many babies for her to handle? She is a wonderful Mommy and is taking great care of all of them. I am concerned if she can produce enough milk I know that is double the average size litter for a Chihuahua. It is also one more than she would have had if all her puppies had survived. Thanks, Jennifer

Hi Jennifer.  The best way to tell if the puppies are getting enough nourishment is to weigh them each day at the same time.  I use a postal meter for this.

If they are gaining weight then they are fine.  If they are losing weight, then I suggest that you offer supplemental feedings.    K-9 Puppy Gold (powder) mixed with water is a great supplement.

Good luck and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.

Penny DiLoreto