Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Would it be bad?

Would it be bad?

18 13:48:09

Hi there,
I have a maltese x silkie male who has recently sired a litter of pups.
One of the puppies in the litter is absolutely gorgeous and is exactly what I have been looking for in a bitch for breeding purposes for a very long time and I was thinking about keeping her for myself.
My question is this, Is it "bad" or "dangerous" for a father to mate with his daughter?
I have read many different things in line breeding and inbreeding and can't seem to find a straight answer as to whether it is acceptable or not.
Thanks for your time,

What you are doing is not line breeding but inter-breeding.   What do you know about the hereditary defects of the line?

Any little thing will be pronounced. For example Maltese are white, and if there is any skin issues, eye issues or thyroid condition they will be two fold in your lines.

You will get the best of the best...and the worst of the worst so you have to be prepared to cull the litter.