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breeding my yorkie

18 13:29:49

QUESTION: hi joyce,
my yorkie is 10 months old and hasnt come into her first heat yet, can i breed her when she does get it? i heard its ok as long as shes over 9 months. also ive found a stud and he ways 5 lbs exactly but my baby girl is
5lbs 3.5oz will she be ok to have his puppies?

thanks so much in advanced

ANSWER: Hi Brittany

What kind of food is your female on?  

You should wait until at least the second or third heat.  You want your female to mature out both mentally and physically.

The size difference you are talking about isn't going to make much of a difference.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i just got her about 2 weeks ago and the lady couldnt tell me if shes had her first heat or not!! is there any way to tell? i forgot to ask the vet!! the lady didnt know cause it was her sons dog. i had her on ceasars but the vet said to switch her. i have her on medi-cal development formula mixed with ceasars (trying to wean her off the ceasars), is it a good dog food for her? and just making sure she shouldnt have any problems delivering the males pup even though they are close to the same weight?

If you only had the female for 2 weeks then I would most definitely wait before breeding her.  You need to gain her trust and see how she matures out.

Ceasars and Medi-cal are two food that I personally would not recommend.  For a breeding stock you want quality food, Solid Gold, Timberwolf, Barking at the Moon just to name a few.

Since the pups won't come out 5 lbs each, she should be okay provided of course, that she is in top physical shape.