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staffordshire bull terrier pregnant

18 13:28:35

hi there i was just wondering if you could help me my staff is pregnant and was comfirmed by a vet with ultrasound 2 days ago when she was 4 wks an 2 days gone, the vet said there are puppies but didnt find fetus heartbeats what does this mean??? she wasnt very helpfull with me, so im a bit worried incase they are alive or not, would she hav had a misscarrige by now if they wern't alive??
hope you can help many thanks

Hi. You need to call your vet back and ask her exactly what does that mean, she needs to explain to you what she thinks is going on, she should've done that from the begining. If a dog has a miscarriage, there will be a discharge from her vulva. You may never see any puppies because she may 'clean' up, but you may see a discharge. She may or may not expell the pups if they were dead. Watch for not eating/drinking, hiding, tucked up belly, lethargic, she may even be painful, and watch for a discharge. If you see none of this, then I would treat her as if the pups were alive and healthy, and she was still pregnant. I would also find a different vet. Just keep a good eye on her, and if you see any problems at all, get her to the vet. You can also ask the vet office if they have a dopplar that can pick up fetal heartbeats, like what they use on humans. Sometimes the ultrasound isn't very clear. Good luck