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Whelping Supplies

18 13:28:36

Thank you very much for you previous answer to my question about ability to see pups on x-rays. We will be taking Bailey on day 54 to confirm pregnancy And Yes is fantastic for information.   I have been searching for days to purchase a whelping kit, because it seemed that buying the stuff separate seemed like a PITA,  I could not really find any , so yes If you would share what you have in your kit and where you got your supplies I guess that will be the way to go  Thank you again. Your advise really helped calm a nervous Mom !

Hi. Sorry it took me a few to get back to you. It's been crazy around here lately.:-) Like I said, you could look on whelp wise's web site, they may sell kits can't remember. Also, you can try on ebay. I thought sold them, can't remember now either. Anyway, here is my list:

A bunch of old towels/handclothes: bought them from the Goodwill, bleached them. Got them really cheap. If you don't have a Goodwill in your area, you could try the Salvation army, or a second hand store. If not, you can buy washclothes in a huge pack from Wal-Mart for $3 something, but wash/bleach them before use.

Old blankets for mom to dig at: same as above.
Iodine: Wal-Mart, pretty cheap, can also get at the Tractor Supply.
Baby suction bulb: to clean out noses and mouths at birth, Wal-Mart.
Dental floss: anywhere, just make sure it's plain, to use on cords.
Baby nail clippers: to cut pups' toenails, Wal-Mart.
Surgical scissors: I think you can also get these at Wal-Mart, if not I know for sure on ebay, really cheap. Maybe a medical supply store if you have one close by. Use to clamp cords before their cut, tied and dipped in iodine.
Cotton balls: Wal-mart, use to help poop puppies if needed.
Nutri-Cal: vet. use as a pick me up during whelping, can also give to pups.
plain vanilla icecream: Wal-Mart. for mom during labor.
Adult pads: the kind they use in the hospital to put under you, they're huge and flat, also called chucks, reminds you of huge puppy pads. Wal-Mart. Use these instead of newspapers under mom's bedding.

I use empty two liter bottles filled with warm water wrapped in towels for extra warmth intead of heating pads or lights. You can also fill socks up with white rice and microwave them.
These are just basic items that are easily found, cheap, and most breeders use. You can also buy a small scale to weigh pups. Some breeders also keep i.v.'s and other stuff like that on hand, but you have to have a vet that really knows you and trusts you to get them, and know how to use them. I think this is it, I'll look through my box to see if there's anything else I forgot.