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complications during whelping for a medium side poodlemix

18 11:59:56

what complications could maya have with delivering her puppies

Hi. Some complications to look out for: a colored discharge before the birth of the first puppy, this means that a puppy may have died, a placenta came loose, or she has an infection, get her to the vet. A stuck puppy, she will have contractions and push for longer than 15 minutes, get her to the vet. Labor stops, she will seem to have active labor and even whelp a few puppies, but then it stops and you know there are more in there, get her to the vet. A ruptured uterus, you may see a lot of blood, mom may yell in pain, and she gets shocky, get her straight to the vet to save her life. A placenta or puppy left inside of her, she may still pant and stay curled up, take her to the vet and have a shot of oxytocin, best to do this anyway within 24 hours after giving birth. These are just a few of what can go wrong. Stay in close contact with your vet, and let him know when she goes into labor. Get an x-ray done after day 50. Good luck!