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Female Heart murmur

18 11:59:06

I have a 7 month old female chihuahua with a heart murmur. She is pregnat by her brother. Can she have the puppies and will she and the pups survive?

Hi Diane

Three things in this bother me a) she's 7 months old, b) she has a heart murmur and c)she was bred to her brother.

7 months old is very young for a female to be bred regardless of the breed.

She may have outgrown the heart murmur but she should have been spayed as this is typically a genetic condition.  

Doing a inbreeding on a dog with a hereditary problems to another dog from the same lines is going to guarantee you off-spring with health issues.  

You need to discuss with your vet if your female's heart is strong enough to survive whelping or surgery as she may require a c-section.   If the female or any of her pups survive, they should all be spayed or nuetered and sold as pets only.  

Good luck