Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > whelping .9 year old chihuahua

whelping .9 year old chihuahua

18 13:42:55

hi.. our female chihuahua is 9 years old.
she has about 11 days to go b4 her puppies arrive but has her milk coming out now when lightly squezzed.
what time frame are we looking at b4 she whelps when that happens please.

Hi. Some dogs will get milk a few days before whelping, some not until she whelps, and some about a week or more before whelping. It's different with each dog. If she's have a large litter, she may go early. If she's having a really small litter, she should go right on time, or even a day or so after the due date. Watch for her to loose her mucus plug. They usually loose it about 24-48 hours before they whelp. You can also take her temp twice a day from here on out. If it drops below 98 degrees, then she should whelp shortly. Good luck, and if I can help with anything else, let me know!