Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > female dog discharging white liquid

female dog discharging white liquid

18 11:58:52

QUESTION: i hav a 7 yrs old female spitz dog. she mated one month ago for the first time during heat and since she has stopped discharging blood she's discharging some whitish liquid from her vagina. can u tell if there's any problem with her?


Is this her first breeding?  

The discharge can be her mucus plug.  

7 is getting up in age for a female to be bred and would be considered a high risk pregnancy.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes its her 1st breeding.
how can i knw whether she is pregnant or not? nd whats this mucus plug if u can explain...
her hunger and thirst has also increased and she always behaves irritated now days.
shud i take her to a vet?

The only way to tell if she's pregnant is to do ultra sound or x-ray after 50 days.

A cervical mucus plug is a plug that fills and seals the cervical canal during pregnancy. It is formed by a small amount of cervical mucus.

It would be hard to tell if she caught or if she is experiencing a false pregnancy.  It is always advisable to have a relationship with a vet especially a breeding female.

Good luck