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Trouble Breeding My Dog

18 13:29:31

I have a 2 year old AM Staff.  She is in heat it is the 7th day I have been taking her up to meet a stud I have chosen.  She is comfortable with him and is flagging him.  but when he mounts her and gets it in she yelps and knocks him off can a male be to big or is she not ready.  I am going back up there on Saturday which will be the 9th day.

Hi Daina.  This is a common problem, especially if one or both of the dogs are inexperienced, and if the breeder is also inexperienced.

If the male you have chosen is owned by a professional breeder, she/he should be able to assist them, and offer AI (artificial insemination) if actual mating is not achieved.

If your breeder is not capable of the above, I suggest that you contact a veterinarian.  He/she will be able to assist you for a fee.

Good luck and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.

Penny DiLoreto