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health and breeding

18 13:49:17

I have two questions:
1) I have a Chihuahua mix who is around 13 he has cancer of the mouth they only gave him 2 weeks if I let it take its course...well its been three months and he is still eating and going to the bathroom normally....he has lost a lot of weight...since eating is hard with the tumor..I have used alternative foods such as baby food...I WAS JUST WONDERING IF U HAD ANY SUGGESTIONS???? i have decided actually we decided he and I that we would finish this stay with far we have accomplished that..but any help would be appreciated....
2) I LIVE WITH 2 FEMALE COCKER SPANIELS ....One is around a year old and she is a beauty...great personality...all my dogs R rescue dogs but this one came with papers I AM THINKING of breeding her if I DID ....IS THIS THE TIME THAT IS BEST FOR HER...Or should I wait...I know I WILL have two work closely with a vet and have one but just wondering the best time to approach the subject...she is a house dog never out of my site so no chance of her getting in trouble unless we decide we want to go there...little advice will help.....

Hi Alan,

In my opinion, you are doing all the right things with the Chihuahua. Let him live out his days enjoying things he likes, love, attention and laying in the sunshine.

If you are considering breeding your female Cocker. You have to ask yourself some tough questions. Does she have the proper conformation to fit the standard?  Do you have potential buyers? Why are you breeding her?  Do you have a suitable male to breed her with?  

If you still want to go ahead, then her next heat should be a fine time.  A breeding female needs a lot of time and attention, I would wait until after your Chihuahua has gone on before I planned anything.