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Post whelping crying

18 13:38:25

My shi-tzu had 7 pups early Mon. morning. So today is day 4. I took her and the pups to the vet yesterday and he said they are all great. Today she started periodically going into the box and sniffing the pups and crying a little. Its nothing out of control but its new. She will take breaks from them and go under my bed for short times. The pups are warm and tummies full and she will cry. Its making me nervous. She has been on a very good quality dog food her whole pregnancy and now I have been giving her a mixture of her pre-preg food and the same brand puppy food. The vet told me to give her up to 1 cup of cottage cheese in her food a day. She is eating and drinking fine and going potty fine. Do some dogs do this after they whelp?

Hi Lynn:

It's not unusual for new & strange behavior to be displayed after whelping but I'd certainly try to reassure her as much as possible. It sounds like she's feeling very anxious - like women, those hormones play a huge role in how she feels & handles stress. As long as everything else is going well I don't think you have to worry - she probably just needs a few more days to settle down & maybe a little extra TLC from you!