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unreceptive bitch

18 13:42:23

I have Brittany's that I want to breed.  My male is 3 yrs old and my female is 2.  Neither of them have been bred before and they have grown up together.  My female is on day 10 of her cycle.  My male has been trying to mount her since the beginning, but she has been "gently" fending him off.  Two days ago (on day 8) I left the room for a minute and the next thing I knew they were "tied".  It lasted for maybe 5 minutes.  My female freaked out.  She was squealing and trying to get away until I got there and was able to hold her still.  Since then, my male has become noticeably more determined, but she won't have anything to do with him.  She snaps and goes after him aggressively.  I've even tried muzzling her but she still fights him off.  (and she is really having to fight him as he is very determined to get it done)  I think she is in estrus because the discharge has changed to a light brownish pink.  Could her reluctance be because of her inexperience or a bad first experience, or do you think maybe the timing is still not right?  By the way, she is usually the more dominant dog.  For example, she eats first, etc.  What do you think?

A lot of females are unreceptive after the first tie. They usually aren't quite as thrilled as they thought they were going to be :) and they don't often forget until the next cycle. It's non productive and unnecessary to breed more than every 72 hours. I would separate them and possibly she will lighten up during the day  separation. Most females aren't ready to breed until at least the thirteenth day. But then you may not be precise about the date that she began bleeding,. with very clean dogs it's not always easy to tell. If you do hold her, it's best to have someone help you, muzzle her and lay her across your lap, sit on the floor so he can reach her that'll give you more control,
Good luck :)