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Delivery soon-body seems hot

18 13:43:53

My dog's tongue and stomache are warm/hot to the touch. Is this normal? I  adopted a 1 year old black lab mix a month ago and discovered she is pregnant. I think she is due soon. Not know due date.Her nipples are quite extended and producing milk. She sleeps most of the time, bit seems okay outside.She is still eating. I can't take her rectal temperature and vet said she gets so excited and upset there it may not be accurate if he took it. Is an ear temperature possible?  My vet is nice, however not familiar with delivering puppies. I am very anxious right now and want to make sure she is healthy and will be okay.
Very much appreciate any advice and help you can provide.

Hi Cathy. If she's eating, and drinking, and acting normal in every other way, and isn't vomiting or have diarrhea, then I'd say she's just fine. If she already has milk, then she should whelp shortly. Just keep a good eye on her. She'll start to pant like crazy, and dig at everything when she starts labor. This part can last up to 24 hours. If you have any other questions in particular, or just need some additional info about whelping, let me know, and I'd love to help! P.S. I'm not big on ear temps in dogs. They're just not that accurate. I'd try to take it rectal if you can.