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False prgnancy?

18 11:55:48

Hi I would like your advice please,
I have a 1 year old Bichon Frise bitch. She had her last season about 3 months ago and for the past few days she has been acting perculiarly. She sleeps with me on my bed but has been waking me up in the early hours of the morning crying for 2 consecutive nights now. It seems like she wants my comfort and has taken to laying on my clothes with my scent on. She has been trying to fit hersef into small spaces in my room and has also been scratching at the carpet as if she is making a bed. I'm growing worried that she may be ill but I am holding back from taking her to the vets if it is only a false pregnancy. Please help us!!
Many thanks,
Jade and Maisy the Bichon x

With the information you provided me the only thing I can tell is that she is exhibiting nesting behavior. Whether or not she is having a false pregnancy or not, I cannot tell you. If you feel that there is something else going on I would suggest that you trust your gut feeling and take her to the vet to make sure she is ok.