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unwilling bitch

18 13:44:47

Quick history here: been in GSD's for 30 some years, bred shown and rescued them and Beagles. I am a very hands on breeder.
A friend who has another kennel is bringing her 3 year old bitch to be mated to my stud (sired 1 litter before), She is extremely tetchy. Snarls, snaps and is generally not keen atall. We have tried holding her muzzle and the dog has almost got in but because she is dancing about at the rear end, so far it has not been very successful. I am not one for a forced mating as i have seen bad results and normally it is the stud that suffers. What would you advise. My stud does not mind me poking about but he is one that likes to romance and he isn't getting a chance to give her kisses etc. I was thinking of using a bale of woodshavings to enable my use of two hands down the business end and also muzzling her. I don't want to put her off anymore than she already is. Also, she is NOW on her 17th day, still turning and flagging but is not keen on them touching her. She is a very spoilt bitch too though so this may be a contributing factor. Any advise will be gratefully received.
Thank you
PS in all my years in breeding dogs, I have never had this problem. I am totally stumped

Hi Carolyne! It's nice to meet you! I feel like I should be asking you questions. :-)

I have seen female dogs that just absolutely hate the male that their owners picked out for them. When forced to be bred to this dog, some of them didn't take. It was kind of odd. You could sedate the female, if it's safe for her. I worked with a Great Dane breeder once who ran into the same problem. The female was sedated, a breeding took place, and 8 pups were born. This may be a good solution, especially since you say she's spoiled and so grouchy. Are her owners present? Sometimes that can cause her to act up. If they are, ask them to go into the house where she can't see them. The only other solution that I know of, is to do an AI. That's all I can honestly come up with. You could also try what you suggested. These are the techniques that I have seen put into practice. I hope it works for you. Good luck! :-)