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lactating chihuahua

18 13:26:39

My 20 month old chihuahua gave birth 3 days ago to a litter of 6 puppies, about 29 hours after the last pup was born I took her into the vets and she was given a shot of oxcytin(?).
She is still panting, and looks slightly uncomfortable, but she IS eating and drinking several times a day, and when I take her out to relieve herself she does both. The pups are all getting bigger tho I have not seen more than 2 latched on at once and I cannot squeeze milk out of the other nipples, they are not swollen or hot, but her tummy has several raw almost bloody scratches.How can I relieve those and should I worry about her panting after how long?

Hi. You can give her a teaspoon of dark beer, this will help with milk production. She may be producing milk, but the pups may be draining it as fast as she makes it, 6 is a big litter for a Chi. Make sure she has food and water next to her at all times. Keep her belly clean, you can apply a small amount of Neosporin to the affected area. If they came from her, keep her nails short and figure out why she's scratching. check the pups' nails to see if they need clipped. As for the panting and such, i would definitely call the vet. If you're not keeping the room too hot, then I would have her looked at. The shot is a good thing to do, but something can still be left in there. It doesn't hurt to have her looked at just to make sure that everything is fine. good luck.