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over due staffy/ emotional upheaval

18 11:56:51

My Staffy, is two years old, good health, shiny coat, I bred her against another staffy the same size on the easter weekend, they git tied together, she has swollen breast tissue showing small amounts of milk but it has been 77 days since the mating? She doesnt seem uncomfortable, lays down ok, sits fine, not much bigger than she was though...the Vulva is slightly larger. My question is...I have justseperated from my wife, whom the dog loved, but I brought her with me.....could this change delay her birth date....She is now not an only dog, would this affect her?
PLease help

Hi Alastair

Sounds more like a false pregnancy. Gestation is 64 days, a few days of what is considered "overdue" as the gestation is from time the eggs were fertilized not necessarily from the time of breeding.

What day in her season did you breed her?