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yorkie whelping

18 13:48:05

I have a 6lb yorkie that is due to whelp in two weeks. I will be having her
xrayed at the end of next week.  I have done alot of reading about whelping
and of course there is alot of conflicting information.  How warm should the
whelping box be kept after the puppies are born?  Will the mother take care
of chewing the cords, or will  I have to cut them?  I am starting to gather
things that I need for the whelping and wondered if you could give me a list
of things that you keep on hand.  Thank you!

Hi Susan

A lot depends on the dam.  If she is a young mother she may need a few days for her instincts to kick in.

The whelping room should be about 74 - 75 degrees Fahrenheit.  Puppies can't regulate their temperature -- too hot and they will dehydrate.

You don't have to do anything with the cord.  The mother will chew it off.   However, if she neglects the pups I would keep some betadyne, dental floss and scissors close by.  

I keep a long list on hand and some of it you may not need but I like to be prepared. A list of some things I won't go with out include:

- Storage / Warming box -- for tiny pups or pups that may need extra help. It includes a heating pad.
- Rags
- Space heater / heating lamp
- Scale
- Rectal Thermometer
- Bulb Syringe -- to clean out nose and mouths
- Pre-prepared milk substitute Esbilac or Just Born
- Calsorb or other form of Calcium for the mother
- Oxygen
- Bach's Rescue Remedy

Good luck.