Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > best time for boxer dogs to get pregnant

best time for boxer dogs to get pregnant

18 13:41:37

How do you know when your boxer is in heat, and when is the best time to breed them? My brindle boxer is bleeding is that when you breed them?

Hi Roxy

The best time to breed any female is when she's ovulating.  

What you want to do is start counting the days from when you first notice the swelling and bleeding.  You want to introduce the male around day 9 or 10.  The female will flag and stand for the male. Allow them to breed once a day until the female no longer stands for the male.  

Day 9 or 10 the bleeding should taper off to a light spotting and the blood should be a slight pinkish color.  

The alternative is a simple blood test that will determine the progesterone level of your female.

Good luck.