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my boston terrier is pregnant

18 11:56:21

My boston terrier is only a year old. Both male dogs caught her while
she was in heat. And we didn't know she was in heat till they mated with
each other. She is suppose to have puppies on the 3rd of october.
Yesterday she had a long mucus thing hangin from her vagina. She
hadn't start nesting yet. She lays on her blanket in the cage and that's it.
She hasn't shown no signs of labor yet. Other then her belly got very
hard and you can feel the puppies lower now. I don't know anything
about girl dogs as you can tell. I know more about the boys then
anything. Is there anything else I should be doing for her then leaving
her in the cage and letting her outside to use the bathroom?

Hi Jasmine

The "long mucus thing" is her mucus plug, normal and typically starts to discharge up to ten days prior to whelp.

Mother Nature has a way of handling things.  If she has a whelping box, or if you don't have one, take the top off her crate and let her use the bottom.  Line it with old towels and let her get comfortable.

Gestation is 63 days so around or near the 3rd she'll stop eating and you will know she is getting ready.

Good luck