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pregant/over due bitch

18 13:29:55

i have a 3 yr old cross bitch, staff & english in her. on the 04/12/08 she mated with our 7 month old german short haired pointer male. we were stupid & thought he wasn't able yet. we haven't though much of it since as were weren't even sure if they had tied as it was all over in 10 mins or so & our dog dismounted when my partner shouted at him.
last week while stroking our bitch my partner noticed her breasts were swollen & a clear fliud came out when he gently squeezed them. i went on the internet straight away for more info. the next day when she was sat with me i noticed a clear fluid from her vulva that she keeps cleaning. we cannot feel anything inside her stomache & looking at her now she doesnt look fat, maybe just broader around her shoulder & chest area.
i am worried now as that was 71 days ago( we know that they did not mate after that as we kept them totaly apart after that until xmas)
i have been told that the sperm could have lived in her for a week but that would still make today day 64.
we have taken her temp a few times & it is normal. a whelping box is ready & we are aware it could be a phantom but i just wanted some more personal advice, before i contact our vet.
many thanks

Hi Donna

Just a couple of things:

Eggs take 5 days to mature, semen lives 72 hours max.  So technically you could still be expecting pups.  Although it may only be a singleton.

A heat can last 21 days, and depending on when your female ovulates has a huge bearing on conception.

I would wait another week just to be certain.

Good luck