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my yorkie male

18 11:56:21

my yorkie male is 16 months and we have a friend with a female yorkie also 16 months and we would love them to mate,the female is on her 12th day of her cycle and my male sniffs and licks her,she then lifts her tail and stands but my male almost looks like he doesnt know quite what to do,he doesnt try to mount her,am i worrying about nothing or is he just not willing with this female,sometimes she does snap a little at him and im wondering if he thinks she is too agressive to try,but she has as i said stood and allowed him to lick and sniff and moved her tail.

Hi Susanne

If she's flagging the male, she may be ready to be bred.  

Some males can have low libido's or desire.  You can bring in a "teaser" male and let your male watch (doesn't matter the breed even a nuetered male will do, you are playing pretend).   The male may then decide he wants in on the action.  

12th to the 15th are usually optimal breeding times.  So that may give you a day to find a suitable male.

Good luck